
Failure A Prerequisite To Success

Jeff Cornwall of The Entrepreneurial Mind blog has a great post on failure's crucial role in success.

Some interesting points:

Our culture seems to be drifting into an alarming view of success and
failure. We seek quick or even instant success. I see it in entrepreneurs who
look at their businesses as deals to yield a quick, short-term windfall rather
than as a sustainable source of income and good jobs. We seek our fortunes
through lotteries and lawsuits rather than hard work.
. . .
America has become a society of people who blame everyone and everything else for our own failures.

Read the whole thing.


Blogger anonibo said...

Ack, Brad! What is this "personal responsibility" you speak of?

In the words of Prince Humperdink, "I would not say such things if I were you!"

Don't you know that success is all a matter of luck? ;)

Seriously though, thanks for feedback and the kind words.

11:35:00 AM  

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